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Furniture minimum 30% off from FlipKart

FlipKart is offering minimum 30% off on Furniture.

Debit Card, Credit Card & Net Banking – 10% off upto Rs. 750 on Purchase of Rs. 5000+: An instant discount will be awarded at the time of making the payment. Payment Options > Credit / Debit / ATM Card > Enter Card Number OR Net Banking > Select Bank. May not be applicable on few products. (Terms & Conditions)

Buy: Furniture

Our Recommendations : (minimum 30% off) Chairs from Rs. 2849 | Tables from Rs. 1999 | TV Units from Rs. 2754 | Sofas from Rs. 6399 | Dining Sets from Rs. 5999 | Wardrobes from Rs. 4299 | Beds from Rs. 5199 | Mattresses from Rs. 3399

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